Thread: purple tang
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Old 01-11-2013, 10:25 PM
seapony seapony is offline
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I've had a purple tang in my 120gal since 2006, its the only tang in there and I won't add second one to that tank. For some reason its highly aggressive towards my snowflake moray
Sorry to Hyjack the thread a bit but i'm still in the process of stocking my 120g and want to add a tang and I have been trying to decide between a Purple and a Sailfin tang. I currenly have a snowflake that's around 13 inches. how aggressive is your purple to the snowfalke whatcaneyedo? would i be looking at long term heartache with a purple and a snowflake together?

also is there a good tang thread that i can read? i keep finding conflicting info about the sailfin and don't know if i should consider it.