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Old 12-31-2012, 12:09 AM
SanguinesDream SanguinesDream is offline
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
The report I read says that the Stollery foundation has an expense of $14.80 to raise $100 and 69% of all proceeds go directly into the program (some of the money goes to related charities as well). So they are doing pretty well in their management of raised dollars. People would have to be pretty nieve to think multi-million dollar charities run themselves for free.

I would hope the parents would feel greatful that people are donating and continue to do so and should be aware that fundraising is only a small percentage of were the money comes from to run the facility.

If that 31% is true, it is actually just below CRA's review rate for high cost fundraising.

The point being that those who are arguing "there is a better use for that money" may not realize that if that $50 000 were a cash donation, $15 500 of that would never see the hospital. Whereas a project with a $50,000 budget of capital and installation costs, a larger percentage would be actualized in bricks and mortar for the hospital.

If projects are going to be scrutinized, scrutinize them equally. Is anyone examining how useful a $50,000 cash donation would be???

This report from 2010 shows an extremely high expense report of 80% and of that 80% of expenses, "Gifts for Qualified Donees" made up 63%.
$6, 023, 026 was spent on corporate gifts. That is outrageous!

If we were to compare the $50,000 cash donation, $31 500 would be used for corporate gifts. Think about it a little before you criticize and apply the same criterium to all projects.
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