Spiny urchin is getting big
And he sure likes nori
Our clown, Goober, has doubled in size in 2 months
July 28
Our Bangaii ( Boo ), PJs ( P & J

), Starry blenny ( Benny ) and Hector the Hector's goby have all doubled in size too, but I don't have any good pics right now
I planned to do a big photodump tonight, but what I though were usable shots are junk, so I'll leave you with this for now
I bought some watermelons from Rich, and there were a couple really nice, bright green palys mixed in
I thought, well, I'll just leave them 'cause they are great
Jump forward to yesterday when 2 had grown to 6+ heads, so I did some surgery in a dish
My first time fragging zoas/palys ... what a slimy mess, and the toxin leaking from the wounds I made
ANYway, I now have all my palys on a separate rock from my zoas ( I think/hope )
This rock now has 3 kinds of palys on it, and these are the recovering green ones
Here's what's goin on with my zoas right now
I'll try to get some good pics when the lights are all on so I can post growth shots and such
More for my own future reference, but you know I like to share