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Old 09-03-2012, 03:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
How? Clean water?

Typical water isn't going to have levels much higher than you have now, and you can then fine tune.
It is a new bag of salt. That makes me a bit nervous, as it could be quite different from the previous bucket.

Originally Posted by Lampshade View Post
Before you do anything, is coral OK? i recently nuked my tank because my alk test said 6dkh and calcium said 420. Be VERY careful with your tests, i took an API and a salifert beside each other with one saying 6-7dkh, the other 17dkh.

Basically what i'm saying is before you do ANY corrective actions, first make sure you actually need the correction, and if you do, get a second opinion. I lost $1500 worth of SPS because i cheaped out on a test kit then trusted it, don't do the same :P.
My LPS look wonderful. My SPS aren't perfect, but okay. A couple are a little browned, but growing. I can't tell by looking at anything that the calcium is so out.

It is the API test kit that is being used for Alk. I have the Seachem test for Alk, but I haven't used it yet. I will test side-by-side tomorrow, before I do anything.
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