Originally Posted by Enigma
I purchased mine from Snappy here on the forum. http://www.coralmaster.com/ It doesn't look like he has any more right now.
The only "negative" about Sarcophyton sp. (that I'm aware of) is that they can get very large. They're reportedly very easy to cut back, though.
The "neon cup leather" on Fragalot's site looks quite similar, as does the "leather colony." The polyps aren't quite the same, but it might be worth a shot. 
I had a pair of ocellaris that hosted in my toadstool leather (green one from J&L, they usually have a few different toadstools in stock). I bought it at ~4" diameter and maybe 6" tall... it's now easily 1' diameter and almost 1' tall but the stalk is thicker than my arm.
It's easy to frag and only grows where you want it, you can even just cut the whole top off and it'll re-grow a cap.