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Old 05-31-2012, 01:02 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Toronto
Posts: 21
RESONANCE is on a distinguished road

You should rent a car - cuz that's the best way to cover the distance between the stores. There is no store in Toronto proper that I can recommend, however, there are a number of good stores in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) that have already been mentioned. In no specific order:

1) North American Fish Breeders (NAFB): Located in Scarborough
For coral price, this one of the best places. Generally most things are $40 for a colony. Some items a bit higher. They also have a $10 frag section.

2) Sea U Marine (SUM): Located in Markham
The Best variety of Marine fish in the GTA generally. Coral prices range from $45 and up but generally speaking the quality is a bit better than NAFB. Rare/ ultra items are appropriately priced.

3) Reef Raft: Located in Mississauga
Generally the best quality and color of coral found in the GTA - BUT, be prepared to pay FAR more than you would for similar items in other stores.

4) Aquatic Kingdom: Located in Mississauga
Generally speaking I wouldn't have mentioned it except for the fact that a few weeks back I passed by and saw a handful of really nice and rare corals that grabbed my attention. Worth the mention as the store is just 2 or 3 blocks down from Reef Raft on the same street so you might as well check them out too.

The addresses and phone numbers can be googled as all 3 stores have web presence.

Originally Posted by ScubaSteve View Post
I'm going to be in Toronto for the next week for conference and was wondering if there we any good LFS to check out? Maybe comeback with some coral while I'm at it...
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