Originally Posted by ensquire
Issue #3) Sump flow
I wouldn't be so concerned about
all the drain water going through your skimmer
If you sat down and calculated what it takes to cycle your
whole tank through your skimmer, you'd agree
Keep your return water flow where you want it. 5 - 6 times or so per hour is fine.
My 75g, with 110g total water, flows about 650gph. I've been told that's lots, otherwise the socks and skimmer can't do their job effectively
The rest of your flow happens inside your tank
If you're thinking about 15-20gph flow, that's the total of everything with a full-blown SPS tank, not what runs through your sump, and not what a new tank needs
You and I only need about 10 times per hour to start with, give or take