03-18-2012, 08:41 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 338
Originally Posted by Cade
Looking great Wayne, I'm jealous your stand has doors.  I have yet to build mine.
Updated fish wish list? 
Looking forward to seeing some doors on there Cade!
Yeah I have a little bit of a list in mind. These will all be added slowly over time:
-Tang of some sort.. looking at Scopas, Tomini, Kole, but I really want a Whitecheek!
-Lyretail Anthias
-Bicolor, Midas, or Tailspot Blenny
-2x Percula Clownfish
-Either a Blue Spotted/Yellowhead Jawfish or a Watchman Goby/Pistol Shrimp combo
-Hawaiian Flame Wrasse
-Another wrasse, not too sure yet
-Flame Angel (maybe)
-Purple Firefish
-Mandarin Dragonet
Subject to change of course, but thats a general list.