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Old 03-04-2012, 12:50 AM
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Coasting Coasting is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: BC - PoCo
Posts: 677
Coasting is on a distinguished road

Thats totally a ball python around the dog

Well you friend must have had really f'd up fingers then. A 2 foot long snake cant break bones like that, for a snake to have the strength to break a bone like a finger it would have to be well over 2" thick and theres no way a snake that thick could easily wrap around a single finger. They RARELY even break the rib bones on the prey they eat. Unless they did something stupid like wack their finger against a table because they had a temper tantrun about a snake (sounds plasuable from they way you're talking). Snakes dont kill their prey be breaking bones, they just prevent the prey from being able to inhale. They dont break bones. Common sense?
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