Thread: Water changes
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:53 PM
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Originally Posted by ReefOcean View Post
How is dumping a capful of dose into the tank once a month less practical than mixing and lugging around buckets of water?

Liek I said, it started off as a matter of being lazy (or very busy) but now it is a matter of "why?" Why do it if I don't have to.
Because you're only replenishing, what if a certain element isn't being used and you keep adding it, it will become a containment. Water changes not only replenish they also reduce the concentration is anything elevated above norm.

Like others have said it's up to the owner to decide what's best for them. Do some research away from unrepeatable sources claiming this and that and make a decision based on what your believe will produce the most success while keeping the efforts in your comfort zone.

Here's a general link worth reading:
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