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Old 02-07-2012, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by vaporize View Post
Chloroquine phosphate is "off the counter" drug without prescription?

Well copper might have negative long term effect, but if the fish does not even live, what does it matter if it has long term because it has no term if it dies ;-D

I wonder if chloroquine phosphate actually can cure brooklynella too - your vet know?
No, it's a prescription drug, which is why the vet is involved. And yes, it treats brooklynella as well.
I think copper, at this point, would simply kill the fish. And wreck the tank. And all the rock in it. This is my future frag tank, and I don't want to have to dismantle it to clean it.
From what I've read, the CP works really well and quickly. I should have it shortly.
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