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Old 12-29-2011, 08:08 AM
mattdean mattdean is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Mississauga, ON
Posts: 133
mattdean is on a distinguished road

I think if customers treated their LFS owner/staff with the respect and kindness we demand from them, everybody would find it a better experience.

I get exceptional treatment (from all the stores I deal with) and have absolutely no problems with prices or their making a profit. If it's too rich for my blood, I don't buy it. Because of my attitude, they are happy to help me out, give me great service and throw me a deal, when appropriate.

IMO, it's our own attitude that creates the experience. Why on earth would anyone NOT want a store owner to make money and stay in business. They took the risk. They put in the work. they have the knowledge. etc.

Get over yourselves.

Oh...and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!