Yes he's twitching quite a bit. Maybe his gills are a bit irritated from the flukes and he needs to heal from that.
He's getting very skinny and laking the fat pad on the top of the head. Can you get a live white worms culture? This food fattened up my copperband in 3 weeks and he was very skinny. It also motivate their appetite during a prazi treatment.
Also maybe you can try a fresh mussle cut in half? mine really love this food and the white worms. I enrich the white worms with Selcon when I feed the worm I put about 7 to 10 drops of Selcon into the milk that goes in the bread. I would try the mussle first and see if he likes it. This is a great way of passing their stress as well as they love to pick at the shell. I tie the mussle shell to a rock woth a rubber band as they are not heavy enough to witstand the butterfly thearing it apart and will shift without being tied to something heavy enough.
It's important to treat the flukes and make sure they are gone but it is also imporant to fatten up that fish and make sure he does not get any thinner. He seem to be eating in your video but they do need a lot of rich food. Mine has been eating white worms every day for about a year and a mussle about once a week or two.
Here is a video of mine feeding on white worms:
After the second treatment, I would give the fish a few days break from the treatment and if there is no improvement then redose in 5 days. Usualy the fluke eggs hatch in about 10 days, so giving a 4 to 5 days break and see if he stop twitching might be better. Get him to eat better and then if needed, redose.
Originally Posted by NastayNatron
Alright so an update on where I am with the PraziPro treatment. I did 5 days of Prazi at the recommended dose in my quarantine. After the 5 days I did a 30-40% waterchange and re-dosed the Prazi at the recommended doseage. It has now been 8 days total with Prazi in the tank. The copperband is doing MUCH better. His appetite has cut down a bit but he is still eating. The Leopard on the other hand eats like crazy all the time.
I was planning on removing the prazi from the tank in two days which would be a total of two treatments at 5 days each. I am still noticing a bit of twitching from the copperband. Im guessing this means there are still some flukes present. None of the other fish have had any symptoms whatsoever throughout the whole process. The good news is the copperband no longer does his upsidedown thing. So as of now my plan is to do another 30-40% waterchange in 2 days and re-treat once again at the recommended dosage to make sure I get all of the flukes. Do you think I am doing the right thing here?
Here is a video I took tonight of the quarantine: