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Old 11-10-2011, 03:00 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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intarsiabox is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Hustler View Post
Well I got the plumbing mostly done.... went to leak test the return pump side and lo and behold a pinhole leak on 2 fittings...... So Im tearing it all out tomorrow and buing all new stuff as Im stressed to poop epoxies or 2 part puttys will leak down the road for a fix.... it was either to rough a sandpaper or the glue set to soon as the 2" to 1 1/2" reducers have to go in at the same time and hope for the best situation.... Just mad now

Hope tomorrow is a better day
It looks like you have some PVC to ABS fittings together, did you use a transition glue? Wrong glues could cause a leak or weak joint. I've never had to sand any plastic pipe fittings before, usually the fit is almost water tight as is and the wet glue helps slide the pieces all the way together.
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