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Old 10-21-2011, 02:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquaria View Post
I can't speak for everyone but I'm personally glad I won't get to see hawiian cleaner wrasses dieing in LFS tanks any more. so sad watching them starve to death and must I mention moorish idols? I know there range is huge but at least they won't be collected in Hawaii now
It wouldn't take a whole lot of effort to make collection limits on these fish (and other "sensitive" species) which would drive up the price and help to prevent "the average hobbyist" from acquiring them. The governing body is already in place (DAR). The only thing needing to happen are regulations on collecting limits.

Who wants to buy a $300 that is difficult to keep alive? Mostly only experts that know they can do it. I would LOVE to have a Moorish Idol, but I know I probably can't keep it which is enough for me to refuse to try.

I was in an LFS not too long ago where a customer was mad because a Moorish Idol died before he could buy it. I tried to tactfully explain why he would be a moron to buy it (he's a newbie in the sw world), but he wouldn't hear any of it. Something tells me he might have thought twice if the fish was $300 instead of $50. I personally don't believe that fish like the Moorish Idol and Cleaner Wrasse should be readily available to any hobbyist, and especially not for the insanely low prices they are offered at.

If we can't get regulations governing the export of fish from their country of origin then maybe we could put governing regulations on fishes being imported. Maybe sensitive species could have high import taxes which are forwarded to research institutes. There are a lot of ways that these issues in question could be improved.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 10-21-2011 at 02:44 AM.
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