10-18-2011, 05:08 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Posts: 631
Originally Posted by gobytron
It IS a good thing Myka.
Just not for us.
For the fish, for the oceans, while you may believe we can be beneficial to these animals in the best of cases scenrio, the fact is, they are better off in the ocean no matter what...as long as the ocean remains able to supprt them.
Stop collection and protect these same habitats that collection is banned in and you have yourself the best case sceanrio for the fish...
I get why you feel so strongly there is a happy medium but it's only a medium for us and not for the animals themselves.
It's hard not to be selfish in a situation like this, but I think no matter which way you look at it the oceans and reefs especially would be better off without our meddling.
Habitat/environment protection is key and without it, any ban is senseless but the next largest mitigating factor to the continued survival of any trade related animal is us.
Looking at it any other way, IME, is seeing only the side that appeals to u as hobbyists....but I do get where you're coming from.
Very well said