Originally Posted by fishytime
so your sayin that a freshwater shrimp eating a freshwater diet will have have the same nutritional benefits to our saltwater fish as a saltwater shrimp with a saltwater diet? 
I do think there is a difference, but I don't think it is significant enough to be concerned about. For the most part, the shrimp would have little nutritional differences even in a lab. The fatty acid profile would differ a bit, but it also differs from mackerel to sole. A shark and a trout are a bit different from each other, but a freshwater shrimp and a saltwater shrimp...not so much. Honestly, I don't think it makes that much difference. Especially when there are members of the same genus within both freshwater and saltwater eco-systems. If it made a big difference you wouldn't see so many breeders using mysis.
You don't ruffle my feathers. You do bring up a good point, albeit it's arguing Porsche over Mercedes...there isn't a
bad choice!