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Old 09-06-2011, 11:54 PM
ReefOcean ReefOcean is offline
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post

I don't really buy into the fact LEDs will come down as much as people seem to think.
Percvisely. Sort of like how Metal halide arent coming down, yet there is competition for cheaper chinese products like odyssea.

People tend to forget the prices are set to tollerances created by the consumer. Not by competition. It is the consumer that decides that the prices are too high from company A, and decides to go to company B. Just Because company B is cheaper, doesnt mean company A through Z is going to lower prices.

There is also a matter of technology and patents. High power LEDs cost a lot of money per unit. Cicuitry, drivers and power supplies from respectible manufactureres cost money as well. When you are buying a system like Vertex and the late PFO Solaris, you are paying for the materials, and a niche-market adjusted margin. Yes, let's not forget that the aquarium market is a niche, in a niche-market companies have to increase their margines to adjust for the fact their market is small, and volume sales are low.

Besides, there ARE cheap LED fixtures out there, but they are made with substandard materials.

Expect their pricing to stay relatively the same for a very long time.
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