Thread: Vancouver Fans
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Old 06-17-2011, 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
now that was just plain uncalled for concidering taylor hall had 44 regular season points and seguin only had 22.

Haha, Its more a joke than anything. But ive always liked Seguins play better than Hall.

Seguin had fewer shots due to being on the 3rd line with limited play. I believe it was almost 50 shots less. TOI is a tough stat to find from the NHL. But Seguins real play was noted in accounting for almost %70 of his teams scoring in the OHL.

I cant argue that both are talented, far more talented being they will make a few million next season off of playing hockey while still being under 20, and ill still be turning wrenchs at 26 haha.. ya life.
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