Imo anytime you invite 5000-100000 people into the city to watch on the "Big Screen" you are asking for mob mentality to be a factor. They was no doubt as there were a small faction of sh*t disturbers who had planned this from the start. Its not the Canucks as an organization or team that are responsible in any way shape or form for this. This is also on Vancouvers politicians and organizors heads imo. I would not be surprised to see the business's sue the city for the sh*tty planning of this event. They didn't learn in 94 and as the old saying goes, "Those who do not learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them". The majority of the fans were fine, but like mindless "Lemmings" a few followed the idiots and escalated the situation. This has happened in other cities before and will probably happen again, next time the Canucks make a run for the cup lets hope the city gets smart and tells the people that can't afford tickets to watch it at home or in the bars and stay the hell away from gathering in the city. As a Bruins fan I am very happy my team won, I am disgusted in what happened on the streets of Vancouver after.