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Old 05-22-2011, 02:02 AM
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Sea Witch Sea Witch is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Courtenay/Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, BC
Posts: 61
Sea Witch is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
That is good to know, hopefully it wont be to late.....I kinda of have issues with "experimenting" when it involves live fish and corals. However I understand many people do different things with their systems and it will be interesting to see how yours turns out. I guess you wont know until you try, so I have to say I also hope my feelings are wrong. Best of luck to you.
+1. This is how I feel too.

I'm also interested to watch how yours does. I applaud your creativity and just makes me nervous.....but I do hope it turns out well. I think everyone has the right to run their tank the way they want, and there are lots of ways to achieve good results. I can think of several parts of saltwater aquarium keeping that are controversial with experts having strong opinions that are in direct conflict with one another.
Planning a first reef tank. Thanks for indulging me with all my questions.
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