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Old 04-03-2011, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by es355lucille View Post
Do we delete the threads of the vendors that get bashed on here as well.
We used to, and lots of people got taken in by the vendor(s) in question. Twice a vendor received "protection" from negative claims, and it was not in the interest of the members.
We've since shifted our thinking a little, in that should there be a negative experience, you bring it up politely and professionally in the vendor's forum. Almost always this will result in a satisfactory outcome for both parties.
Should it not, the issue can be reported to a staff member. Although we can't act on single incidents, if we see a pattern of neglect from the sponsor in satisfying customer expectations, their advertising rights may be suspended or revoked.
Having said that, any post that claims " Vendor X sucks donkey balls" will be removed
Additionally, as I've stated above, free publicity for non advertisers will also be removed.
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