Great idea and thanks for posting this. I have had a copperband for about 4 weeks and he eats mysis and brine shimp like there is no tomorrow. He was getting hassled a bit by my yellow tang who has since found a new home but it was not affecting his food intake.
My concern is with the amount of frozen food I have been feeding. Prior to the copperband I only fed frozen twice a week, but now I am feeding everyday and I think my water quality is suffering. I will definitely give your method I try.
Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
I have 2 Copperbands, both eating well, including dry food. Here is how I got mine to eat.
I have now moved the larger one on the right to my big display tank. He now has to deal with other more aggressive tank mates at feeding time. So to make sure he gets enough, I use a turkey baster to get it right in front of him, so he can grab it before it gets gobbled up by other fish.