Originally Posted by globaldesigns
Well Daniella3d, good for you... In my case I have only ever lost one fish to ICH, a Powder Blue, and that was almost 3 years ago, when my tank was new. So in saying that, I am quit successful with my fish, without quarantining or hypo. So explain why that is, I don't quarantine anything. As you state it, I should be having lots of problems then.... HMMMMMM..... As you stated also holds true for me "no ich. None, niet. Never any outbreak, nothing"
I guess what I am saying is what you say isn't the Godly truth and if you don't do it your way, its wrong.... Cuz that isn't the case. Many ways for many people I guess.
To the thread creator and others seeking knowledge, just take all advice in stride... Non of us can claim to be experts, so please just use your common sense. If you choose to QT, go for it, if not then that is fine also.
I just recently set up a qt tank for a emperor angel that got the crap beat out of it, I had to quickly set up the tank or the fish would die(didnt move out of the top left corner of the tank for over 24 hours with its back bent and laboured breathing), Anyways after one day of in the qt tank, it was eating very well, and then 3 days ago I noticed very very bad ich, all over the fish probably over 100 spots, and that night I lowered the salinity to 1.15 or so, and as of today, i cannot see a single spot on the fish. Also i know it is advised not too, but i have a couple pieces of lr in there from my sump, and a very very very thin sand bad. IMO the fish seems that the fish would feel more comfortable.
But that is just my thoughts, very likely could be wrong.
Im assuming it got the ich because i used the water from the tank and couldnt wait for the tank to cycle with new water and such.