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Old 03-03-2011, 12:23 AM
phi delt reefer's Avatar
phi delt reefer phi delt reefer is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: London, ON
Posts: 578
phi delt reefer is on a distinguished road

QT tank setups are so cheap that i cant possibly understand why you wouldnt QT your fish.

I have read a lot about QT'ing and here what my combined research says...

brand new ten gallon bare tank - $25
aquaclear 50 - $40 - you dont need a powerhead - the aquaclear has 200gph flow so that would be 20x tank turn over in ten gallon.
jager 50w heater - $24

thats $90 - whats most of your fish and corals cost? Whats the current value of the livestock/corals in your tank?

still feeling cheap? jump on kijiji and pick up all that stuff for less than half that.

in your sump put some rubble on eggrete spread out 1 layer thick (so it looks like a checkerboard) - this will prevent the buildup on dietrus in between the rocks and causing issues. You could even GLUE the rock to the eggcreate to make it easier!

throw that into you QT tank when needed - remember surface area is more important that rock weight so large rocks wont be as effective as this method.

the filter pads within those hob filters are only good for 1-3 months so dont throw it into your sump until shortly before you get your fish.

Do a water change in your main tank - use 5 gallons of that water along with 5 gallons of new water to fill your QT. That should have enough "goodies" for your water. May wanna run the water through a filter sock if its got some particulate it in it though.

do new saltwater changes every week - 25% - vacuum/clean the bottom of tank for debris.

QT for 21-30 days. Remove rocks from tank when using any type of medication. Put some PVC elbows in there to provide some hiding places but keep it simple and clean.

thats my 2cents
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