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Old 01-28-2011, 07:54 AM
CGY_Betta_Guy CGY_Betta_Guy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 44
CGY_Betta_Guy is on a distinguished road

Hope no one minds more pictures?

20110124 - Think I waited long enough and started stocking... Red Fire shrimp - really like the pop of red in the tank!

purple fire fish - couldnt resist this little guy... was all alone at Red Coral last week and was still there when I came by again

peppermint shrimp

pretty excited to have found this little circular shaped guy with the greenish specs in the center moving around the tank. The previous day it was on the glass and couldnt get a good shot. It is roughly 3-4mm across and doesnt seem to have any snail appendages or even a shell but was attached to the glass and looked flat and circular with no color (other than the pinkish body) and now I can see a bit of color on it.. The part touching the glass did look like a snail foot would on the glass. Any ideas as to what it is?

20110127 - New arrangement for the LR - brought a chunk out from the sump making a total of 4 large chunks with nice crevices in between them

Last edited by CGY_Betta_Guy; 01-28-2011 at 04:21 PM. Reason: better explaination to what I saw of the critter
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