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Old 01-07-2011, 06:55 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by JonT View Post
Wow. Okay then....

I was simply pointing out that while we have taken the fish from the ocean our job was to take care of it as best we can.

Sorry if that got lost in the translation. Was just making a comparison using a dog. Lots of popular TV shows regarding animal cruelty these days. But not for animals with fins.....

As for eco rock? Really? Dig a big hole toss all kinds of sediments into the water ways, destroying local lakes, and rivers eco systems. Pollutants in the air from the equipment digging it up etc. So that we feel better? I will stick with my live rock. I am sure that it isn't collected per the "loose rock" rules that most regions have, but less impact than digging holes, refining the rocks to turn it back into rock.

As for being no better than the next, your wrong there. I do frequent the forums. I make educated purchases. I make sure that I am not buying something unreasonable for my aquarium. I don't just trust some kid at a store that it is "okay" I stick with sponsors that know what the hell their doing. And even then, I still will wait on a purchase till I have looked it up myself.

None of this makes you any less of a detriment to the state of the oceans.
You can say I am better than the rest because I do my research and cross my t's and dot my i's but it doesnt change a thing anywhere but in your own eyes.
You are still taking these animals out of their home and putting them into yours for YOUR OWN PERSONAL BENEFIT.

And as far as the eco rock goes, I thought I was pretty clear in speaking only in the context of being guilty of the rape of our
not of other forms of environmental destruction.
Speculation is fun and it can sure help you make a point but really, you would need a pretty in depth study to truly determine which was more harmfull overall to the general environment.
as a side note, both my German Short Haired Pointer and my Chihuahua are crate trained and are healthier, happier animals for it and nobody is going to send me to jail for that.

Last edited by gobytron; 01-07-2011 at 07:34 PM.
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