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Old 11-16-2010, 11:21 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Originally Posted by untamed View Post
I have no particular love for Big Al's, but I respect that any retailer can choose to sell something for whatever they wish. If you bought it...and it isn't defective in any do you figure they owe you anything?

Do they have a stated policy that they will match any lower price you find?

You want to give it back to them after you've used it? What are they supposed to do with it after that?

Express your objection by not purchasing other things from them....but I don't see that they've treated you badly in any way.
I agree.. No one twisted your arm to buy the skimmer and as you stated, you should have done your homework before buying it.

They set a price and you agreed to it when you bought the product.
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