Originally Posted by gobytron
I can't see how a skimmer producing no bubbles could be sufferin from too much air...
Originally Posted by lorenz0
oh and the venturi is pulling in air, but nothing at the neck of the skimmer
Sounds like he has air, but the bubbles aren't reaching the collection cup. I guess Lorenzo will have to clarify.
In all the EuroReefs I have owned and the one Vertex, if I open up the airline completely the water level in the skimmer drops because the venturi is pushing more air than water. Close the airline, and the skimmer will overflow. It doesn't make sense in text, but that's the way it works.
I have always liked the gate valve mods on this style skimmer so you can pump tonnes of air in (which lowers the water level), then use the gate valve to restrict the output which raises the water level back up so it reaches the collection cup.