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Old 07-10-2010, 05:10 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Courtenay, BC Canada
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Greenmaster is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by bauder1986 View Post
I would say so, I have this month to gather the bare neccesities to run my tank, sump, pump, skimmer, plumbing, rock, substrate, salt, RO water, and at least one MP40 and then I can start cycling it. I can bring the light into the picture by mid august and then by the end of august or begining of september, i can have fish!
Basically I'm waiting on a drill bit to arrive and that's at least 2 weeks away. Then I will be putting my tank on the stand and start setting up the plumbing (it will take at least one week to do, That's the start of august if I'm lucky... probably mid august)... I'll give the plumbing about 1 week to cure then I can start adding the rest of the rocks and sand (if I have to glue any rocks to hold them in place I'm looking at another week min to cure.) I'm hoping some time in September... maybe the end of September.
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