Originally Posted by Myka
How is your fish today Albertan? Is he still eating well?
Oh, I do though. In my opinion, I am making fun of you. Your initial uncalled for rudeness towards me bothers me. I admit that you were affecting my "real life" mood, and the hubby was not happy about this. Seeing as we are on the internet I can't just take you out back and damage your teeth (I'm joking, I don't advocate violence), so making fun of you allows me to smile when I read your posts. 

My goby isn't doing very well today. He hasn't really eaten since I put him into quarantine, and he isn't swimming well anymore. He's kind of crawling around the bottom of the tank, it's hard to describe, but it's not a healthy looking movement. He doesn't look alert today anymore either, kind of dopey. Is this the drug maybe? I'm currently treating with Neoplex.
It's probably best to put the poor little guy out of his misery, try feeding like Myka said but if he doesn't bite aim of the game is quick and painless.
Can you actually see inside of him? I can't quite tell from the photo.