I was thinking of putting a Tunze 6205 by the herbie
And I believe the bottom is tempered
Another idea maybe is running the pipe inside the tank as it comes over by the herbie and paint it black. Then have a bunch of little opening shooting down to the end of the tank. So with a bunch of openings maybe I dont need a big width on the pipe so its less noticeable?
Or even better yet
Could I return under the overflow box and have a tunze 6205 suck in most of the return and push it down the length of the aquarium?
Would that create enough flow? Or would i need two 6205s or two 6105s
Originally Posted by nazerine
I see now, you're going with a peninsula tank!
Do you know if the bottom of your tank is tempered glass? If not, you could drill towards a corner and have a return pipe 'standing', with a 90 at the water surface, then some lock line. the 90 would need a small hole drilled in it for a syphon break.
Depending on the vision of your tank, this may or may not work.
If it was me, I would have the return where the overflow box is. Using your sump return to create flow in your tank at both ends isn't the most effective. If you're going to have a canopy, put a propeller pump of some kind on the far end 