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Old 04-02-2010, 08:20 AM
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Samw Samw is offline
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I found and Craigslist to be useful. I ended up buying one from Florida on EBay. It will work out to be about 20-25% cheaper than buying one here once all fees and costs are added in. This is consistent with all of the articles that I've read.

My car is currently in transit on a truck. Hope it turns out OK. I plan to take delivery in Bellingham and drive it back.

What I still don't understand is whether or not I need to buy a trip permit at the border to drive it into BC even though I will have temp plates from the car dealer in Florida. Some ICBC Autoplan agents say that I need it and some say that I don't. Some websites say I can drive into Canada with Florida temp plates and some websites say that I can't. I have binder insurance of course.

Last edited by Samw; 04-02-2010 at 08:27 AM.
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