Originally Posted by mseepman
I've always chuckled when people talk Apple up for how easy it is to use...I mean this is a company that required people to "KNOW" that they had to drag their disk onto the garbage can in order to eject the floppy disk.
I used to support these as well as PC's and I often found them twice as frustrating as any PC. When things do go wrong...they go sooooooo wrong.
Sort of like having to click on the "Start" button to turn off your computer

Of course now you can just hit the dedicated eject button on Mac keyboards.
And things go wrong with Macs far less often then with Windows so when they do go wrong it is usually something major.
Originally Posted by RuGlu6
Interesting how so many ppl like Ipods, Iphones, apple computers.
I stay away from any i-things, i don't like how they work, i don't like how they tell me what to do, so no i-product for me.
thank you.! but thank you. 
If you're hearing voices coming from the iPod telling you what to do i think maybe you need to see your doctor

But seriously, the interfaces are really easy. When an under 5 year old can figure out how to use an iPhone/iPod Touch with minimal teaching that is a well designed piece of technology. That's the magic. Making technology straightforward and easily useful instead of intrusive. Love them or hate them, Apple does that better then any other company.