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Old 02-26-2010, 09:18 PM
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Thank you Kevin,
This is what I was kind of getting at, this is the first time I have ever seen a warranty on live fish over 24 hours and to have it expanded 365 times that amount is... baffling to say the least.

I thought it was industry standard to not provide warranty on live fish due to the uncertainty of the buyer and I'm going to need some details on that warranty if I wish to commit.

Originally Posted by Red Coral Aquariums View Post
I am looking at the same order sheet and will be ordering some myself but don't see any customer guarantees.
None the less How would you handle this ?.
Since the order form shows a limited quantity and most resellers have been looking for these (like you said 6+ months) you would replace one if it dies with your stock? or.
Having a replacement seahorse sent to you would cost a fair bit , would you cover that cost or the customer?
After 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year are these sea horses going to be readily available so you can replace with your guarantee. At that point would you be refunding the customers $.
Would each replacement seahorse start again the 1 year guarantee? If so you could keep a "poor hobbiest" in seahorses for the rest of BWA's lifespan.
Would you control who you sell to (ie people with seahorse setups) there is potentially a limited supply and with a guarantee everyone could give them a shot.
These are the first questions that come to mind.
Red Coral Aquarium