Originally Posted by hlywd
From what I understand, anytime you have a cable feed coming into your house that feeds both internet and tv, it will slow down both processes. With that in mind, I was a customer of Telus for both internet and tv, but couldn't get fast speeds on my internet which drove me crazy. My friend informed me that Telus has a ridiculously bad history of moving too much of your allotted bandwidth to feed to your tv, and cutting it away from your internet, rather than just giving you alot for each function. I've switched to Shaw, for both services, and couldn't be happier!!!! Anytime you use HD services, they obviously take up alot of your bandwidth as well.
You see with Telus there are many things that will afect your speeds that you get the first and formost ofender is how far you are from the box that is feeding your house. Telus has problems with their internet not for this reason they don't have enough bandwidth to feeding their conection to the internet. Telus has to install more chastas I think that is how you spell it anyways it is a piece of equipment that pops you onto the internet after the gateway. Yes all Telus equipment sits behind a firewall and Shaws does not that is why I use Telus a bit more secure. If you do on line banking or make purchases over the internet with Shaw it is very posible for your information to be duplicated while you are making that transaction. I did an install in Leduc Albert for a guy that was using Shaw he was run an ani-virus scan and in the time he went to the shopping store and back his entire hard drive was downloaded by someone. He had to change all his bank accounts and cancel his credit card and have new ones sent out. He found out that who ever did it had tried to use his credit card and access his on line bankig info after he had canceled them.
I believe it is consumer beware out there and that is why there are so many programs for firewalls and security.