Originally Posted by kien
This line struck me.. so your tank in theory could have been less than 2 months old? That's a pretty new tank. Did you start it up from scratch? If so, that is a VERY new tank. New tanks like that can be unstable and even after the cycle has completed need a little while longer to get its groove/stabilize/balance out etc..
In the first two months anything from adding too much fish to doing too much water change can throw the tanks balance off. You really do have to be careful in the first few months.
Did you set up your bathtub with brand new fresh saltwater ? They could have been stressed over a chemical imbalance due to the water change AND rock movement (potentially releasing chemicals), and then throwing them into a tub of newly mixed saltwater did them in. Anyway, that would be my theory.
Sorry to hear of your loss.
yes the tank was newish (half old half new) and the tank cycled in 3 days (did not believe it my self but ???).
yes the bathtub was all new for if something was in the water I wanted to try to give them a fighting chance for they did not look good in the tank at all.
I never thought about stress or anything by moving the rock around.
would doing a water change changing or rock movment that has affected the chemical balance not show on tests though?