Thread: 112g LPS Tank
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Old 10-17-2009, 09:48 PM
c me fish c me fish is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 29
c me fish is on a distinguished road

Thanks guys, got how to insert the pics! Looks like I may need to resize them though, kind of big... well something to do later I guess.

So here's the equipment I have so far... some of you may recognize various pieces. In collecting this stuff I had the pleasure of meeting many of you in person and oogling your tanks, which just fueled my obsession, err, interest in this great hobby.

The tank: 72L x 19W x 20T (but the bottom is raised so it's more like 19T). It's sitting on two 0.5 inch plywood boards which sit on a steel stand. The person I bought the stand from did a really good job cleaning it up as it was starting to rust so I had little sanding to do then painted it with Tremclad rust paint (black gloss). Two half inch boards were used as to avoid warping, but maybe I should use a one inch board instead? what do you think?

The sump, it's a 40g breeder, which may be too small... I was originally going to use the MCE600 as it is rated to 190g, and to use most of the sump as a large refugium, but I got a really good deal on another skimmer... It's been sitting in that corner since last spring so stuff has slowly been piling up on it.

The aforementioned skimmer... BK Supermarin 250 Internal

My calcium reactor with second stage and CO2 tank. Um, does anyone know how to set this up? I picked this set up at the end of 2008 and I don't remember what goes where! When the time comes maybe someone can lend a hand?

Anyhow, the plan for this weekend is to get some more plumbing, remove the top black tank trim and get some wood sealant.
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