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Old 09-02-2009, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Palmer View Post
Thanks for the info. I am looking to get a salt water tank but I guess I am interested in whether what I am going to be investing in is endangering species or the natural reef in general. Is there a basis for this concern or are most species purchased at the LFS so plentiful that it isn't an issue?

Be careful about the species you choose to add to your tank. You can setup an entire tank using captive bred fish, inverts, corals, and even cultured rock. Or, you can purchase fish that are caught with cyanide, are close to endangerment, ship poorly, or have very poor short or long-term survival rates.

Do a Google search for ORA - Oceans, reefs, and aquariums. That is a good place to start to see the largest marine captive breeding aquariums.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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