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Old 08-28-2009, 02:22 AM
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Originally Posted by fishoholic View Post
Sorry to hear about your coral. I've been having problems with nitrates as well. I started using T.A. Nitrate Destroyer in hopes to help keep the nitrates down but it's only been 10 days and so far it doesn't seem to be doing much. How long did it take for the T.A. Nitrate Destroyer to work in your tank?

Laurie, I can't honestly say how much it helps. I manage to keep nitrates down in this tank to about 5 ppm, but I can't tell how much from the Nitrate Destroyer, the water changes or the nitrate sponge. I CAN tell you that since I began using the T.A., the sponge, and more frequent water changes, the nitrates were consistently at 10 ppm; so at least one of the three is working.
225g reef
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