Pleased to hear you are considering another purchase - last time you posted you indicated you would never be buying from me again and sold your credit. Glad things can change!
I can verify my pink lemonade is in fact my pink lemonade if that's what you mean...and I can show you a picture of the colony it will be coming from. I generaly just make up the names for ordering purposes (such as the lariat zoa - named after the truck I just bought), or if it is visually simalar to other popular corals.
Also - the frag may be a little on the larger side, my colony is getting quite large now. I can prepare the frag for you and mount it however you like - give it a 5-8 days and it should be encrusted on whatever substrate you prefer, liverock or a aragonite disk. I don't keep frags of this ready for shipment - I really do not like fragging this coral.
Again, sorry about that last frag, I ended up losing the entire colony. Make things worse, it was one of the wife's favorite.
Originally Posted by Borderjumper
Yes Dave, I have been thinking about purchasing one of your Pink Lemonade acro frags, but at $110 for a "small" frag I really would like some verification it is in fact a Pink Lemonade acro? I see that you have listed yourself as the farmer of this coral?
Also is this a freshly cut frag or encrusted? I want to stay away from freshly cut and shipped frags this time. Lat time according to you my WYSIWYG frag must have died. before shipping. so you cut a fresh one and shipped it to me .. and it arrived as nothing more than a bare rock.