Bending stupid rules in your personal life is one thing, bending such rules at work or in a business environment is another story though!
Originally Posted by Reefer Rob
I agree with the mislabeling thing of course, but bending senseless stupid rules is on of my hobbies. 
I agree with you, the discussion of mods and staff if for PMs. The new thread regarding corals will be up after lunch and will stay on topic - I will take the time to ensure this happens (it will be in my forum.
Pleased to hear you find the site a great resource and support, it's a big part of the site! Cheers.
Originally Posted by Pazil
Well what happened to taking this stuff to PM's... I for one (and will only speak for myself) have found this site (and the mods) to be a great resource for information and support. I would really like to see this conversation continue (with regards to the corals not the mods). If there is still a need to debate the moderator actions, opinions or otherwise can you take THAT elsewhere so the rest of us can continue to learn and discuss what is affecting our hobby.