Originally Posted by Delphinus
Sorry, but I'm with the other staff members here. When there are posts that are prefaced with "The staff here are arbitrary", it IS insulting to us. I feel this way too everytime the issue of censorship comes up. And it makes me wonder why I continue to do this.
IMO arbitrary isn't quite the right word to use here but I understand how why it was chosen. The lack of transparency for the reasoning behind some of these decisions is frustrating sometimes. I found myself wondering if or how my contributions contributed to the problems. Why had the staff decided to kill the thread? Did I miss something nasty posted? Is there drama I am not a part of or am I unknowingly in the middle of it? I was vexed, really rather vexed.
Then I remembered that I needed a new spark plug for the lawnmower and priorities shifted. Turns out I have a life and stuff.
Originally Posted by Delphinus
We the staff run the board. In my opinion, we do a pretty good job of keeping it open and friendly. Other boards put up with far less than we do, but if you really feel that more transparency is required on the part of the staff, well, we beg to differ. Sorry but that is the reality.
Most of the time when somebody says they want transparency they really want input into how the situation is handled. There's lots of lively discussion here, opinions vary and some posters (like myself for example) are stubborn, arrogant and abrupt at times. In what fantasy world do you have to live in that you would think somebody's bad behavior in a thread about skimmers would not spill over and probably escalate in some sort of meta discussion about how to deal with the thread that was out of control?
When you ask the mods to open these things up to further discussion what you are really asking them is to start a never ending pile of shat. Some sort of flamewar race to the bottom that they have to devote more time to day after day.
It's not a reasonable request, go buy a spark plug.