Sorry, but I'm with the other staff members here. When there are posts that are prefaced with "The staff here are arbitrary", it IS insulting to us. I feel this way too everytime the issue of censorship comes up. And it makes me wonder why I continue to do this.
Yes, some things get removed from public view sometimes. And that's never going to change. If there are problems with a post, it will get pulled and not always will the reasoning be publicly posted.
Think of this example, if a student is suspended or expelled from a school, the principal, the teachers, the school board do not come out and publicly invade that student's (or others) privacy by announcing the reason. Sometimes the reasons just plain aren't for public knowledge.
We the staff run the board. In my opinion, we do a pretty good job of keeping it open and friendly. Other boards put up with far less than we do, but if you really feel that more transparency is required on the part of the staff, well, we beg to differ. Sorry but that is the reality.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!