Originally Posted by Ron99
They changed the rules for importation from the U.S so it is now a bit easier to import cars from south of the border (no more bumper modifications needed). AFAIK the other rule for anything 15 years and older is the same.
it was a bumper issue but alot of car's were black listed because of it and illegal in canada (eg VW r32, mitsubishi evo's) only way before to get around this was to wait till they were 15 years old.
The changing in importation laws from anywhere but the US has been up in the air for years due to the increase of japan imports presence. This law has not changed and if they were to change it, it would be changed to 25 years instead of 15 years. But some importers have found loop holes in the usa to get around the 25 year rule, which is why people are driving nissan s15 silvia's and r34 skylines.
Originally Posted by Ryan
Ya I might have to settle on a R33 with an R34 body kit and the RB26DETT engine. Or an RX7 with the Fortune body kit (Orange and black car on Tokyo Drift).
I am in the same boat waiting for the S15 spec R to be legal which is still 5 years away. Don't settle with the r33, was the worst skyline ever produced. I would take a r32 gtr over a r33 gtr any day.