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Old 04-05-2009, 11:14 PM
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Originally Posted by RuGlu6 View Post
How about seals being killed in Canada, also how about cows being slaughtered, chickens, turkeys, lamb etc. How about them, they suffer as much as anything alive.

How about countries like Usa and Canada making War and killing hundreds per day?

people are knee deep in blood...

Humanity has a long way to go even to be called humans, we need to grow and we need to wake up.
Not going to the seal thing but people need to eat, so there will always be animals killed for this purpose, but this does not mean we as humans have to go out and destroy the environment in the process of our daily living.

Remember there is no need to keep fish in a glass box, we do it for our pleasure and nothing else and in the process we should be taking steps to limit loss as best we can and leave the reefs the same way they are found.

Everything in the ocean is connected to one another and once one is removed it starts a domino effect.

Take the Chinook Salmon declines of recent years and Orca's, there is some evidence that whales are not getting enough to eat because of this decline and even though many like to blame the whales for declines in fish stocks, it us humans who have been fishing various species for food at rates that are not sustainable.

Everything in the ecosystem is connect to one another and once one is removed like I said, a domino effect.

Last edited by jsmth321; 04-05-2009 at 11:27 PM.
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