Hi Calvin, when it comes to pets both furry and scaly, I take whatever heat I need to take when I try to speak on behalf of them all. I do not believe there is such a thing as a stupid question to be honest. If someone is asking it, it is important to them to know the answer... even if it is nobrainer.
It's an ongoing joke between myself and a couple of canreefers about me getting beat up for asking questions... I just keep coming back for more

If I need to know, I ask. Yes there are some pretty negative responses, but I filter those out and use the information I need to better myself in this hobby in the end.
If my questions benefit my fish I have and the ones in the future it was well worth the trouble and heat. I just worry about other people that are afraid to ask questions because of the flaming and negativity... They could be having problems and are afraid to seek the help that they really need.
Originally Posted by hipp77
I am sorry that you have taken so much heat over asking a simple question.
There is always more than one way to get a point across. I feel that some people did not handled in a very nice way.
I hope that Diana you will not take those comments to heart. We have all made mistakes in this hobby and I feel that you are very sincere about caring for the fish and doing what is best for them.