When my soul mate Diva the rottie died in my arms of cancer. The last thing I asked her to do for me is tell me she made it out okay... (this is so hard to talk about still)
The vet did a house call to end her suffering that day and we took her to Pet Heaven for cremation. I stopped at the florist for flowers to put with her and they were very tightly closed. The crematory was very dark and cold and we wrapped Diva in a blanket and put the flowers between her front legs. The tulips suddenly bust open into full bloom. They just opened quickly and stayed that way. I never felt or saw anything beyond that day just over two years ago, but it must have been her making my last request happen.
The funeral director said he had been in this business for people and animals for over thirty years and he said if that was not a sign he didn't know what was. I am not religious or have a belief system of any kind. However that dog was a gift to me from a greater power. I have had dogs all my life and she was truly special and everyone that knew her knew she was different.
It is in our nature to want things to never really end. Of course I do not want the ones I love to die and there to be nothing beyond that. However, this last gift from my soul mate was enough to make me wonder.
When my first Rottie Sheena died, a few months after her passing I was sitting outside at the pond crying with Diva. A little ember came floating in front of my face, when I batted at it, it expanded into a huge ball of white blue light and made a humming noise. It scared me because I thought it was a firefly (hate bugs) and ran away. After that I thought about it and asked everyone I could if we had fireflies and how big they got and what colour the light they made was... we have no fireflies and there is no explanation for what I saw that day as well.
I am a very stable and reasonable person and am not at all crazy. However these two things make me think a lot about what happens after we die. I don't know about heaven or souls or energy... I just know what I saw those two times and hope they were indeed signs. Some people say if it was not a sign they don;t know what it would be, but perhaps it was nothing and I am hoping it was something...
Now I'm in tears but I felt I had to say what I experienced myself and I know I am not crazy.