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Old 01-28-2009, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Johnny Reefer View Post
I have used Chemi-Clean in the past (prior to Zeo), but I stopped about 8? months ago. I used to dose monthly. Then every two months. Then it became apparent that maybe I didn't need it at all anymore. Haven't had cyano in my Reef for awhile now.

Having said that, now that I am on Zeo, I have asked myself if I would use Chemi-Clean again if cyano returned. The answer is no, I wouldn't. For two reasons. 1). I think it would mess with the other Zeo supplements. 2). There is a Zeo routine for cyano. It's on page 23 of the guide. I think I would try that. Involves adding 1 drop, per 25g, of ZeoBac to Pohl's Coral Snow and dosing this every two days until cyano is gone. I'm not sure if the ZeoBac is the regular dose (just added to the Coral Snow) or in addition to the regular dose. The gurus on would know. Of course, I would think removing most of the "bulk" cyano manually would go along way in helping this routine do it's job too.

Hope this helps,
I will check the guide but as I said above, I may just stop now. I know thats kind of quick and I don't like giving up so quickly but I was looking at the tank this morning (lights still out) and the cyano apparently doubled overnight and is all over my gorgonians and rocks.

I will take it out manually for now and think about what to do I guess.
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