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Old 12-30-2008, 10:51 PM
DBM DBM is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Lower Mainland
Posts: 43
DBM is on a distinguished road

I wouldn't buy the fish if I thought it was juiced - but I was in the industry for awhile and have a better handle on what's suspect (a large portion of it is). Paying more for a clean fish is probably the way to go, and alot of the confusion can be had by avoiding suspect countries of origin or avoiding commonly juiced fish altogether.

I'm not sure the fish that's dying in your tanks can be attributed to collection with cyanide but more likely poor handling and packing from the collector through to the retailer. It's the damage to the fishes habitat and larval fish that's the bigger problem with cyanide collection.

I've got no problem paying more for a clean fish.
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